Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week 5: Grid Drawings

     This grid drawing was by far my favorite assignment so far this year! I had so much fun working on this project!! I can't believe how long it took, but I'm super proud of how it turned out! :) So this first image is my reference image, or the one I copied. Pretty sick picture, right? I LOVE it.

  This next image is my drawing with the grid-lines still on. Mr. Wiechmann requested we take a picture before we erase the them.

And now, this next image is my final project! I love how the shading made it look 3D-ish. I will definitely try grid-drawing again! 

The only thing I would change is maybe try to work a little but more with the shadows. 
Title: How Did They Do That?
Size: 8.5" x 11" (I was going to use a bigger piece of paper but the only ones I had were in the art set we got at orientation, and I didn't know if we were going to use them for a later project. So I just stuck to standard computer paper. :)
Media: Just a pencil :)


  1. I love this. You really did a wonderful job, it has so much detail and the shadows look great. You got the lines pretty much perfect.

  2. This picture looks so professional, looking at it, i could tell you worked hard to get the details just right, and the Shading looks so good. Great Job!

  3. this is amazing! that's so pro. you must have spent so much time on it. good job. (:

  4. ... AMAZING you did such a good job I really like how you shaded the bike.
