Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week 3: Collage Art

    The first image is my reference image. I love that picture and the feeling it creates, so I wanted to create something a little bit like it. As far as how my collage turned out, I only used the basic design of the reference image and just did my own thing for color and everything else. Most of the pictures came out of a magazine that was pretty much full of stuff for 15 year old girls and One Direction fans, so not me...but it looks pretty cool anyway.
Title: Teenage Dream
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Media: Magazines, glue and a pencil
This artwork portrays to me a safe and personal place that has everything, including room to grow.


  1. I think you did a really awesome job on this! I like how much detail you put in it.

  2. This is SO creative!! I love the colors and idea you worked off of.

  3. It looks just like the reference picture! I love the feeling it creates as well. This picture feels warm and juts like home! Nice job on the books and everything!

  4. Wow I love the attention and detail you put into this! The shelves full of books are interesting and creative to me. The pictures on the wall also show great texture.

  5. This is so creative! There is so many great details in here.

  6. You did a really good job, I like the uniqueness of it, and all the colors, I do think however, that if you colored in the background on the walls it might make everything come together more, but all in all I think you did an amazing job.

  7. This is really great. I love all of the colors, shapes, and other little details(anchor, smiley face, treble clef etc.) that you have added to the room. I think I could look at this for hours and not find all of the little details. Very creative.
