Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Figure Sculpture Final....Maybe

     I've been somewhat done with my sculpture for a while now. I've just been putting off turning it in because I want it to be better! The more I look at him, the more things I notice that are totally off! Like his head being hugely disproportionate to his body, especially his legs. What is up with that? Why couldn't I have noticed that when I was still able to change it? Gah...frustrations....

Title: Jason, Hipster Cowboy
(Because he's wearing a beret with cowboy boots and a big buckle and plaid shirt and all that.)
Size: Larger than a Barbie
Media: Clay, and various sculpting tools
This project portrays to me the epic trueness of sayings such as "try, try again" and "nobody's clay sculpture can be perfect so just turn it in already."

Realistic crinkles on his shirt! I'm proud of those :)

Brought to you for the most part by


  1. hahah wow thats amazing! I like how detailed you were! GOOD JOB!!

  2. He is so good! You put details into every little part, and it makes it look amazing.

  3. I love how there's a lot of texture and detail in this. It makes the guy stand out! I also like the background you used. Fantastic job! :)

  4. I really like all of the details and the position you have him in. It is a really smart way to make sure he doesn't fall over or anything.

  5. WOW! I am amazed with how awesome this sculpture looks! Awesome job on the detail, and face!

  6. Awesome! I Love the detail!!!

  7. I think that it looks amazing! I really like all of the different textures that you used. You also did a really good job on his nose which was something I found very difficult in my own sculpture. Great job!

  8. DUDE! That is amazing! You did a great job with all the detail, especial the belt buckle :)

  9. That is amazing! I love all the detail put into it and you did an amazing job on the face. I love how well you did on the clothing and the position, and well everything.You are a true artist,great job! :)

  10. That looks really good! You did a great job with the shirt!

  11. This is really good. You put of lot of detail into the figure to make it look pretty realistic.
